Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New To Blogging

   Well I guess an introduction would be a good start to things, right? My name is Tiffany, even though I prefer Tiff. I am a college student, 25, married, and a mother of two. What do I have to bring to the table of the blogging world? All I can bring is my knowledge and hope that it is just as valuable as anyone else’s. Am I going to bring something unique? I will definitely say it will be unique to me. It may be posted somewhere else, it may not be I cannot make any promises but the knowledge I will share is the knowledge I know. I will not go out and copy knowledge from somewhere else that I promise. I do not believe in writing about something I do not know.
   So this is the world of blogging? This is going to be pretty interesting. I have never blogged before. I usually give advice to people that is one of the things I am good at. I have never written before unless it is for class. I use to write poems when I was younger but that is the extent to it. There are so many pro-bloggers out there. I have to fight my way into the competition and try to be as good as everyone else! I have my work cut out for me! As with anything in this world I am going to have to sell my self! What interest people, what catches their eye, more importantly how can I leave them wanting more! So what interest you? What do you want to hear about or know about? I believe in interaction. So please feel free to let me know. I will write each week what you guys want to know about. I will post your name and question and my follow up answer. I will also write weekly about something I know personally! So please leave your comments below.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I think this is a good start. You have to start some where. I started one like 2 years ago, and just started min back up yesterday. I think it looks great so far. As long as you ca get traffic coming to it, it doesn't matter what you write about, and that came from a bloggin pro I know. Good luck, and I will come back and visit you. Good nite:)
